약도는 첨부화일
After finishing our festival, we will have welcome party for you
as follows:
1)Date & Time: Sun, 8 August 2004 19:00~21:00
2)Place : Eiraku-so (please look at attached file)
very near to Toyama Station and your hotel.
3)Fee : free. We support your fee.
4)Contents : introduction each other, eat and drink,
Mr. kawamura's cooking, discussion etc.

We hope all of Korean teachers and students(total number:22) attend
this party.
If there are no good persons, please tell me her/his name because of

We are looking forward to seeing and having conversation with you.

Sincerely yours,
ICHINOSE Kazuyoshi
여기에서 행복한 시간 되십시오.