Voice alerts received from the note. xe1.2.2 version


When the note is a feature known as a voice.

Firefox, ie6, ie7 as in the test.


How to Upload

1. Attachment 2 is the dog down.


2. Upload Path

\ addons \ member_communication \ member_communication.addon.php


3. As follows: "swf" folder to create.

\ addons \ member_communication \ swf


4. "swf" folder "memo_on.swf" to upload.


5. Manager> settings> add-ons. Communications must be enabled.

Average grades 9.58 (Grade count : 65)

Recommend : 카르포스, 봄봄봄, 리브, 하주가우, 리설, 게겡겡, 동수, 목맨천사, pplpp, Eugene, 마신, woowoo, 도라에몽1호, 규태야~, 쿠키™, 김두깡, SoL, 이미자니, 빠른별, 코만두, 돌콩, 늘푸른이, mactopia, mono, 얄리, 몽실아빠, 코코팜이, 김국근, 배꼽, 철텃, lunatic27, RyuA, 별을사랑했네, 미소둘로, SMTE, 은이씨, new21, InDesign, y5536967, 불명, e~세상쉼터,

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